From the Authors in the West Virginia University Press Teaching & Learning Series

Pedagogies of Care
Open Resources for Student-Centered & Adaptive Strategies in the New Higher-Ed Landscape

The power of educational development lies in a single thread—one specific message—that runs through our entire enterprise. It is simply this:
You are not alone.
Pedagogies of Care: Open Resources for Student-Centered & Adaptive Strategies in the New Higher-Ed Landscape offers practical and engaging advice about what "next" should look like across higher education, from sixteen current and forthcoming authors in the Teaching and Learning in Higher Education book series from West Virginia University Press.
Collection editors Victoria Mondelli and Thomas J. Tobin note that the resources in Pedagogies of Care take many forms: "Our contributors created videos, audio podcasts, interviews, infographics, and articles. All are underpinned by a student-centered, evidence-based ethos."
We welcome you to use these resources in your own teaching preparations, in educational development with your faculty colleagues, in discussion groups—however they can be useful for you. Our aim is to help facilitate successful teaching and learning in a time of disruption and hardship.
Much about the future is uncertain, so let’s make ready: rally toward radical hope, evolve our practices, and meet new possibilities for growth and well-being.

Infusing Our Online Learning Environments with Play: Applying Game Mechanics to Your Learning Activities [YouTube, 25:39]
The Allure of Play [book web site]
Noticing as the First Step: How to Infuse Your Course with Sensory Experiences [SoundCloud, 21:14]
Resource list & transcript [PDF, 12 pages]
Infographic: Outdoor Teaching & Learning with Social Distancing [PDF, 1 page]
Tori Mondelli & Joe Bisz
Thomas J. Tobin
Susan Hrach & Martin Springborg
Building a Pedagogy of Care with Social and Emotional Presence [YouTube, 16:27]
Resource & discussion guide [PDF, 3 pages]
Pedagogy Nerds Assemble! Battling Big Myths about Teaching in Troubled Times [YouTube, 22:57]
Transcript [PDF]
Sarah Rose Cavanagh & Joshua Eyler
Jessamyn Neuhaus
Michelle Miller
“I Hate Zoom, but It's Still Good to See You”: The Renewed Importance of Belonging and Connection for Learning [SoundCloud, 16:37]
Questions & overview [PDF, 2 pages]
Transcript [PDF]
Fostering Deep Reading in Digital Learning Environments [YouTube, 5:12]
Video Transcript [PDF]
Infographic: 10 Activities to Foster Deep Reading in Digital Environments [PDF, 1 page]
Text-only infographic [PDF, 1 page]
Cyndi Kernahan
& Kevin Gannon
Cyndi Kernahan
Jenae Cohn

InclusifiED Teaching
Forthcoming in the Expansion Pack edition!
Viji Sathy & Kelly Hogan
Creativity & Grading: Nurturing the Aha! Moment [YouTube, 19:49]
Natasha Haugnes
Ungrading in a Pandemic—And the Rest of the Time, Too [SoundCloud, 15:30]
Susan D. Blum
All of the contibutors to the Pedagogies of Care collection are authors in the Teaching & Learning in Higher Education book series from West Virginia University Press. We are grateful to series editor James M. Lang and WVU Press Director Derek Krissoff for permission to share elements from our existing and forthcoming books in the Pedagogies of Care collection.
To learn more about WVU Press, discover the Teaching & Learning book series, and engage with our books and authors, please visit wvupress.com.
Oh, and please support your local and independent bookstores, y'all. Where you can, consider buying directly from the press or your local shops.